Long stay or booking of several dates
1) Discounts are not guaranteed. Rates are more flexible in low season: November and January to April.
2) For high season, check our booking platform. Prices already benefit from a 30% discount attributed to any stay over 31 nights and you save the tourist tax (3.5%).
Are you looking for the perfect apartments for EMPLOYEES?
We can assess your needs and create a tailor-made offer for your employees. Whether for short-term or long-term accommodation, we will find the solution best suited to your needs and create a wonderful PARTNERSHIP ! Contact Catherine for any personalized offers.
To submit a request , please share the following information:
- Booking dates
- Number of occupants and number of beds required
- Preferred apartment type (studio, 1 bedroom or 2 bedrooms)
- Special needs: washer and dryer in unit? Ground floor? Near an elevator? Sensitive to noise?